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Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Logo

Water Conservation

The Phoenix region’s arid, hot climate places a significant premium on water. Conserving water is essential for the long-term sustainability of the Phoenix metropolitan area. Most water consumption in this environment occurs because of irrigating landscape, circulating water for cooling, and daily use in restrooms and restaurants.

Since 2014, the Aviation Department has aggressively minimized water consumption, resulting in an annual reduction of over 50 million gallons. Guided by a Drought Management Plan, further reductions are planned, and water consumption is closely monitored.


Nature around the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport

Cooling Towers

Installation of new water treatment technology in cooling towers have resulted in significant water savings as the technology halves the amount of cooling tower water used through recirculation and is also anticipated to prolong equipment life while reducing the use of chemical additives.


Xeriscape Landscape

The transition from turf to xeriscape and desert vegetation was completed in 2019, saving labor and material costs and more than 5 million gallons of water annually. This project was the catalyst to transition to smart irrigation controllers which check soil moisture and only apply water as needed. The controllers also detect leaks, automatically shutting off and sending a notification.


Non-Residential Grass Removal Program

The City of Phoenix offers incentives to non-residential customers to convert to desert-adapted landscaping.

Building Water Efficiency

Buildings are designed in accordance with sustainability rating systems that prioritize water efficiency. Building restrooms are retrofitted with low-flow plumbing fixtures and automatic shutoff valves and procedures to keep these low-flow fixtures in good repair are provided to maintenance staff.