Aero Club
Aero Club of Phoenix
About PHX AERO Club
The Support Sky Harbor Coalition, in coordination with Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, is proud to introduce the PHX Aero Club. The Club’s aim is to bring together aviation industry enthusiasts for the purpose of networking and education. All Arizona airports, airlines, trade associations, manufacturers, law firms, and aviation enthusiasts are invited to become members.
The History of Aero Club
The first Aero Club was formed in Washington D.C. in 1909 while the automobile was still a novelty and only a handful of citizens believed that the “flying machine” would have staying power. The Club founders sought to draw national attention to the airplane and its potential to be valuable to the nation. The Club’s primary mission remains intact to this day: “To foster and promote interest in the principles and development of aeronautics and to extend honors and hospitalities to eminent airmen.” Since 1909, other states, cities, and countries have formed their own Aero Clubs with similar missions.