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Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Logo

File a Concern

Welcome to the City of Phoenix Aviation Department's noise information system. We offer several ways for you to submit a comment or ask a question.

How to Submit a Noise Complaint


Create a log-in for the quick submission of comments and questions. This page also provides access to Casper  flight tracking and detailed instructions on how to use this portal.

Need help with the Casper site? Contact (602) 773-1093. Monday to Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m

More Information

For questions about FAA changes in flight paths, you may call the Sky Harbor Airspace and Noise Section at (602) 773-1093 or contact the FAA directly at 202-267-3521 or email

Airport staff recommends if you have noise concerns that you notify both the City (options listed above) and the FAA.

How to Save a Web App to Your Phone's Home Screen

For Apple (iOS) Devices:

  1. Open Safari: Launch the Safari web browser on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Visit the Web App: Navigate to the web app you want to save. Make sure you're on the app's homepage.
  3. Share Icon: Locate the share icon at the bottom center of the Safari browser. It looks like a square with an arrow pointing upward.
  4. Add to Home Screen: In the share menu, scroll down and find the "Add to Home Screen" option. Tap on it.
  5. Edit Name (Optional): You can edit the name of the web app if you prefer a shorter or more recognizable name.
  6. Add: Tap the "Add" button in the upper right corner.
  7. Find the App: The web app icon should now appear on your home screen, usually at the end of your app icons. You can move it around like any other app.


For Android Devices:

  1. Open Chrome: Launch the Google Chrome web browser on your Android device.
  2. Visit the Web App: Navigate to the web app you want to save. Make sure you're on the app's homepage.
  3. Menu Options: Tap the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner of the Chrome browser to open the menu.
  4. Add to Home Screen: In the menu, look for the "Add to Home screen" or "Add to homescreen" option and tap on it.
  5. Confirm: A dialog box will appear. You can edit the name of the web app here if you want. Once you're ready, tap the "Add" or "Add automatically" button.
  6. Find the App: The web app icon should now appear on your home screen, usually at the end of your app icons. You can move it around like any other app.