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New Company Setup

New Company Setup

Before a security badge is issued to employees of a company, the company must establish an operational need to work in the restricted/secure and/or sterile areas of the airport. For subcontractors to Existing Companies, the Existing Company (main contractor) will submit the application online through the Authorized Signer Portal.

These application forms are only to be completed for New Company Setup.

The PHX Badging Office requires the following documents to establish a new company:

  • A Letter of Verification from the company that is sponsoring your activity at the airport that states the scope of work to be performed, the work location, and the start and end dates of the project. The Badging Office will not accept “ongoing” as a completion date.

  • Proof of Insurance. If your employees will be driving vehicles and/or motorized equipment in the restricted areas of the airport (on the airfield), you will be required to provide your sponsor with proof of insurance.

Employees working in restricted/secure and or sterile areas will be required to:

Downloadable Forms and Information

Ground Transportation Support

One of the steps required for a Ground Transportation company to conduct business with the Airport's Ground Transportation section is to first establish the company and obtain an Airport security credential through the services provided by the Airport's PHX Badging Office. Possession of the security credential authorizes the individual to conduct business with the Airport's Ground Transportation section. The applicant will then need to meet the requirements as set forth by the Ground Transportation section for the applicant to become a registered driver.

See Ground Transportation Support